**2023 Bargaining Mandate**

2024 Strike Brochure

2024 Strike FAQ for Students

2024 Strike – Student Information (power point)

Good Faith and Bad Faith Bargaining

Social Media Overview

What is in the News Media

Comments of Support

Animal Care Policy During Job Action
Availability During a Strike
Communication for Part-time Instructors
Contact Information Form (Link to fillable form on Google Docs)
Financial Data
MSVUFA FAQs for Students
MSVUFA Mandate – MSVU Vision Mission Values
MSVUFA Strike: Student info Slides
MSVUFA Strike Manual
Strike Activities Form (Link to fillable form on Google Docs)
Strike Contingency Planning
Strike Emergency Loan Application
Picketing Information Supplement
Strike Protocols
Void Cheque Sample (where to find all the numbers you need for your strike pay deposit)


2024 Apr: MSVUFA Declares No Confidence in Senior Administration and the Chair of the Board of Governors
2024 Mar: Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association Ratifies Collective Agreement
2024 Feb: MSVUFA Conciliation Talks Fail – Strike in 17th Day. February 29, 2024
2024 Feb: MSVUFA Media Advisory – February 22, 2024
2024 Feb: Board of Governors Remains Silent on the University Faculty Association’s Counter Proposals. February 20, 2024 
2024 Feb: Board of Governors Rejects Mount Saint Vincent Univeristy Faculty Assocation’s Counter Proposals. February 15, 2024.
2024 Feb: Strike Looming February 12, 2024
2024 Jan: MSVUFA Preparing for Strike Press Release
2023 Dec: Strike Vote Press Release
2023 Oct: Conciliation Press Release

Geneviève Boulet – Lead Negotiator – [email protected]
Germaine Chan – [email protected]
Tammy Findlay – [email protected]
Diane Piccitto – [email protected]
Kelly Resmer – [email protected]

Who negotiates for the MSVUFA?
The Negotiating Committee, elected by the MSVUFA membership, compiles the information from a variety of sources, including the membership, to identify priorities for negotiation. From this, the MSVUFA Executive members form the mandate and appoint the Bargaining Team. The Bargaining Team, our front line, conducts the negotiations with representatives of the MSVU Board of Governors (usually VP Administration, a Dean, the Directors of Finance and Human Resources, and the Manager of Academic Relations).

What can you do as a member of the MSVUFA?
We need a membership that is engaged in the process, aware of the issues and who can clearly state their priorities. Be familiar with your Collective Agreement and think about what collective agreement issues are important to your work at MSVU and how they may be improved for the benefit of all members.

What Happens If Negotiations Break Down?
While we hope for a negotiated settlement, it is always possible that talks will reach an impasse. Should this happen, either side – the MSVUFA or the Board of Governors – may file for conciliation. Conciliation is governed by the Trade Union Act of Nova Scotia and administered by the Minister of Labour and Workforce Development. When an impasse is reached in negotiations, one of the parties may request that the Minister appoint a conciliation officer. This officer will act as an intermediary between the two sides and attempt to reach an acceptable settlement. If an agreement cannot be reached, the conciliation officer files what is called a “No Board Report.” There is then a cooling-off period of two weeks to allow the two sides to consider the consequences of not reaching an agreement. At the end of that period, the union is in a legal strike position, and the Employer can legally lockout its employees.

It is desirable to have a strike mandate prior to conciliation as it demonstrates our resolve to reach an acceptable settlement. As governed by the Trade Union Act of Nova Scotia, a strike vote requires a secret ballot. Importantly, a strike must be supported by the majority of all members – not just of those voting – to be successful. Should this happen, arrangements will be made to submit ballots by mail, e-mail, as well as on site.

As of Feb 12 at noon the MSVUFA went on strike. Negotiations continue with the help of conciliators. We have financial resources in place and have the support of the CAUT Defense Fund.